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HBase Basics

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Apache HBase is an open source, scalable, consistent, low latency, random access data store

Source from Infinite Skills


Horizontally Scalable

Linear increase in servers results in linear increases in storage capacity and I/O operations


CAP Trade off

In CAP theory, Hbase is more likely a CP type of system

  • Consistency: ACID(atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) garantees on rows
  • Availability: Response time 2-3ms from cache, 10-20ms from disk
  • Partition Tolerance: Failures don’t block system. It might take longer to response to maintain consistency


Apache ZooKeeper

  • Use for distributed coordination of leaders for high availability
  • Optimized to be highly avaiable for reads
  • Not designed to scale for high write throughput

Apache Hadoop HDFS

  • Provide data durability and reliability
  • Optimized for sequential reads and writes of large files
  • Does not provide random updates, only simple API for rando reads
  • Cannot scale tens of billions of small entities (less then a few hundred MB)

Both system have their strengths but do not individually provide the same properties as HBase

Random Access

Optimized for small random reads

  • Entities indexed for efficient random reads

Optimized for high throughput random writes

  • Updates without requiring read
  • Random writes via Log Structured Merge (LSM)

Short History

Inspired from Google’s Bigtable

Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data(2006)


Datastore for Google’s Web Crawl Table

  • Store web page content
  • Web URL as key
  • Use MapReduce to find links and generate backlinks
  • Calculate page rank to build the Google index

Later, it also used as backend for Gmail, GA, Google Earth etc.

Hadoop HDFS

Inspired by Google distributed file system GFS


Since 2009, many compaies (Yahoo, Facebook, eBay etc.) chose to use HBase for large scale production use case

In 2015, Google announced BigTable with HBase 1.0 compatible API support for its compute engine users

2017, HBase 2.0.0

2020, HBase 3.0.0

Despite being bucketed into NoSQL category of data storage, some of intresting are moving NoSQL back to SQL, by using HBase as a storage engine for SQL compliant OLTP database system.

Use case

HBase’s strengths are its ability to scale and sustain high write throughputs

Many HBase apps are:

  • Ports from RDBMS to HBase
  • New low-latency big data apps

How to Porting RDBMS to HBase?

  • Many RDBMS are painful to scale
  • Scale up is no longer pratical for massive data
  • Data inconsistency was not acceptable when scaling reads
  • Operationally gets more complicated as the number of replicas increases
  • Operational techniques not sufficient when scaling writes

To make it easier to scale, we need to discard the fundamental features that RDBMS provides, such as:

  • text search (LIKE)
  • joins
  • foreign keys and avoid constraint checks

Changing the schema, make it only contains denormalized tables, we won’t incur replication IO when sharding the RDBMS

Now you’re relatively straightforward porting RDBMS to HBase

Why choosing HBase instead?

  • When your apps need high wirte and read throughput
  • When you tired of RDMS’s fragile scaling operations

Data Volumes

  • Entity data: information about the current state of a particular persion or thing
  • Event data(or time series data): Records events that are generally spaced over many time intervals

Data volume explods when we need both of them

HBase or Not

Q: Does your app expect new data to be vailable immediately after an update?

  • Yes: Use HBase
    • When data queried, must reflect the most recent values
    • Expect query responses in milliseconds
  • No: No need for HBase

Q: Whether your app analytical or operational?

  • Analytical: Not optimal for HBase
    • Look for large set of data
    • Often filter for particular time range
    • Better choose Hadoop
  • Operational: Use HBase
    • Look for single or small set of entities

Q: Does your app expect updates to be available immediately after an update?

  • Yes: Use HBase
    • Frequently modified
    • Pinpoint deletes
    • Updates must be reflected within milliseconds
  • No: No need for HBase
    • Data is append-only
    • Deletes in bulk or never
    • Updates can be ignored until the next report is run


Workload HBase Hadoop
Low Latency 1ms from cache 10ms from disk 1min vis MR/Spark 1s via Impala
Random Read Rowkey is primary index The small file problem
Short Scan Sorted and efficient Bespoke partitioning can help
Full Scan Possible but non-optimal Improved pref w/MR on snapshots Optimized with MR, Hive, Impala
Updates Optimized Not supported

Logical Data Model

  • Data is stored as Bigtable
  • Tables consist of rows
  • Each row has a primary row key
  • Rows are sorted by row key
  • Each row has a set of columns
  • Each row my have same columns
  • Each row’s column is a cell
  • Cells may contain a byte[] value
  • Specify none or the lack of a property is HBase’s sparse row property

Example model: HBase commiters

row key d:hair d:beard
apurtell brown grey
busbey brown scruffy
enis black black
lhofhansl silver
jmhsieh black

Operation Behavior

ACID reads and writes per row

ACID: Automicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durable

Traditional databases offer absolute guarantees for all r/w even if they touch multiple rows or tables.

One design decision made in HBase is the limit and guarantees to a per row granularity.

For automicity:

  • Reads will only see complete writes and no intermediate state

For consistency, isolation:

  • Subsequent reads will only read up-to-date writes
  • If there are two concurrent writes, one will win

Multiversion concurrency control (MCC/MVCC) per row

  • Does not require reads in order to write data. HBase doesn’t check for pre-existsing values
  • Every cell write gets assigned a timestamp. Use timestamp mechanism to track and determine which value get read.
  • A cell deletion also use a delete marker with timestamp to mask out the previous value
row key d:hair d:beard
apurtell brown@1 grey@1
busbey brown@1 trim@2 scruffy@1
enis black@1 black@1
lhofhansl silver@1
jmhsieh delete@3 black@1

Physical Data Model

Optimizing HBase apps require understanding some iternals.

Understanding the data layout and how I/O is done is crucial for read performance.

  • Optimize your schema for your quires
  • Predict latency of random read operations
  • Minimize I/O necessary for random access reads


row key d:hair d:beard
busbey brown@1 trim@2 scruffy@1


row key column key timestamp cell value
busbey d:hair 1 brown
busbey d:beard 1 scruffy
busbey d:beard 2 trim

Hbase data is laid out on disk as an indexed, sorted, list of cells. Crucial for optimizing read performance.

  • Indexing is base on cell coordinates(row key, col, ts)
    • Single seek to read specific cells
    • Single seed to start a scan
  • Sorting allows for efficient scanning of a single row’s data or for efficient scans of serveral related rows of data

Column Families (CF)

A CF is a set of physically related columns that can help read performance by giving developers who understancd their workloads the ability to control physical layouts.

Column Family provides facilities to group the columns that have similar read access patterns, so those patterns can be optimized.

Let’s say we add some new columns to our table schema, to records the committer’s code contributions.

row key d:hair d:beard j:150715 j:150716
apurtell brown grey HBASE-8642 HBASE-14048
busbey brown trim HBASE-14027
enis black black
lhofhansl silver
jmhsieh black
stack HBASE-14102

If we want to do the analysis of code contributions, without CF, the app would have to iter over each commiter with 6 I/O operation and have to read then skip the irrelevant cells.

To add a CF, prefixing data with the CF name(keep it short) and separating from the qualifier with a colon. By doing this, we essentially broken one table up into two parallel tables under the cover.


row key d:hair d:beard j:150715 j:150716
apurtell brown grey HBASE-8642 HBASE-14048

Phycial (CF/d)

row key column key timestamp cell value
apurtell d:hair 1 brown
apurtell d:beard 1 grey

Phycial (CF/j)

row key column key timestamp cell value
apurtell j:150715 1 HBASE-8642
apurtell j:150716 1 HBASE-14048

However, if we want to read a single row, we now need to search multiple column family locations and pay for the I/O to do this.


CF is an advanced feature to control data layout

  • Design decision that need to be made very early
  • Has trade offs – more is usually not better

Run HBase with Docker

Download Docker Desktop for Mac or Windows. Docker Compose will be automatically installed. On Linux, make sure you have the latest version of Compose.

The project we use here is big-data-europe/docker-hbase.

Running standalone HBase, then visit the Web UI at http://localhost:16010

The Dockerfile install HBase on jdk environment using tarballs:

HBase Shell

  • An interactive scriptable interface
    • A JRuby Read-Eval-Print Loop(REPL)
    • Scriptable access to all HBase client APIs
  • Useful for Data Definition Language(DDL) commands
  • Useful for tuning, operations and debugging
  • Should not be primary mechanism to access data

Let’s allocate a HBase shell pseudo-TTY:

Create a table with one column family

Put and retrieve row data

Put more data then scan the table

Delete cell

Delete row

Disable then drop the table

Run a script with --noninteractive parameter

Region Server

Distributed mode

  • Need to spread r/w across the cluster
  • Load balancing is critical

Scale Out

HBase tables are partitioned in to many regions.

Hbase serves regions with Region servers, a region is assigned to exactly one region server.

Regions can be assigned to any region server, when a region goes down, its region will automatically assign to another region server.

The region assignment is fast that usually completes in under a second.

Data Life Cycle

Write Path

HBase write path is designed to handle a high throughput stream of edits while maintaining durability, consistency and scalability.


Guarantees that data does not get lost or corrupted after client done a sucessfully write.

Since writing data only in memory can result in data loss, HBase also stores data to a Write Ahead Log(WAL/H log) which store data in disk.

Writes must make it both to the WAL and memory before acknowledge to the client.



Guarantees when the client sucessfully write the data, read of that data will get that version or a newer version

HBase guarantees strong consistency on data in a row

WAL recovery guarantees the latest data is returned and order of writes if presverved. HBase server will block the request until the recovery is completed.



Bottlenecks on a regrion server are: Memory, Disk, Network and CPU

Usually, Memory capacity is orders of magnitude smaller than disk capacity which will run out first.

Writes to HBase accumulate in the memstore, which will eventually use all the available RAM, we need a mechanism to periodically get data out of RAM.

The operation accomplishes this is flush. When memstore full and not accept new write, the flush operation takes all the data in memstore and flushes to disk as a read optimized file format called a HFile.

HFiles are memstore recovery checkpoints, allowing removal of old entries.

The flush operation frees the memory, the new write will then be able to work again.



  • Every write to HBase gets written to disk
  • HBase write edits to the WAL
  • HBase writes batches of edits to the HFiles with flush operation: 1. caps the memory for new writes 2. checkpoint data for faster recovery

Read Path

  • Reads get data from memstore and HFiles
  • Reading from the HFiles is a costly I/O operation

Block Cache

HBase add an in-memory block cache to reduce costly I/O operations by taking advantage of spatial and temporal locality



As more HFiles are flushed, more I/O operations HBase needed to find data.

HBase will periodically run a compaction to reoptimize and consolidate HFiles.

After compaction, HBase only hit one disk operation for each read.


IO Path

Region Split

If all regions are the same size, load balacing is easier.

HBase limit the region size, and automatically performs the region split to avoid skew caused by hot regions or large regions.


Optimizing Tradeoff

Flush, compaction and split operations rewrite data previously written in the WAL or from previous compactions, these extra writes, a.k.a write amplification, consume extra I/O budget.

The operations take time to complete, may cause blocking I/O.


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